Supported inspections

The power of Mulang is grounded on more than 120 different kind of inspections

Generic Inspections

Inspection Meaning
Assigns the given variable or attribute assigned?
Calls is the given method, function or procedure called?
Declares is the given element declared?
DeclaresComputation does the given computation - method, predicate, function, etc - exist?
DeclaresComputationWithArity0 does the given computation have no arguments?
DeclaresComputationWithArity1 does the given computation have 1 argument?
DeclaresComputationWithArity2 does the given computation have 2 arguments?
DeclaresComputationWithArity3 does the given computation have 3 arguments?
DeclaresComputationWithArity4 does the given computation have 4 arguments?
DeclaresComputationWithArity5 does the given computation have 5 arguments?
DeclaresEntryPoint is there a program entry point, like a main procedure?
DeclaresFunction is a given function declared?
DeclaresRecursively is a given computation declared using recusion?
DeclaresTypeAlias is a given type synonym declared?
DeclaresTypeSignature is a given computation type signature declared?
DeclaresVariable is a given local or global variable declared?
Delegates is a non-empty method, function or procedure declared and called?
Raises is the given exception type raised?
Rescues is the given exception type rescued?
SubordinatesDeclarationsTo are all the declarations in the code called from the given declaration?
SubordinatesDeclarationsToEntryPoint are all the declarations in the code called from an entry point?
TypesAs is the given type used to type a variable?
TypesParameterAs is a parameter typed as a given type?
TypesReturnAs is the given type used to type a return?
Uses is there any reference to the given element?
UsesArithmetic are arithmetic operators used?
UsesExceptionHandling is any exception handlded?
UsesExceptions is any exception raised?
UsesFor is any kind of comprehension or indexed repetition used?
UsesIf is an if control structure used?
UsesLogic are boolean operators used?
UsesMath are artithmetic operators used?
UsesPrint is a print statement used?
UsesType is the given typed used in a signature?

Code Smells

Inspection Meaning
DiscardsExceptions are exceptions discarded within an empty catch block?
DoesConsolePrint is there any console-print-statement like System.out.println, puts or console.log?
HasCodeDuplication has the given code simple literal code duplication?
HasDeclarationTypos is an identifier not declared but a very similar one declared instead?
HasEmptyIfBranches has the given code an empty if branch?
HasEqualIfBranches are both branches of an if equal?
HasLongParameterList does a given method/function/predicate take too many parameters?
HasMisspelledIdentifiers an identifier is not a domain language dictionary's word and not part of its jargon
HasRedundantIf can a combination of ifs, assignments and returns be replaced by a boolean expression?
HasRedundantLocalVariableReturn does a callable declare and return a variable just after declaring it?
HasTooShortIdentifiers whether an identifier is too short and not part of domain language's jargon
HasUnreachableCode is there unreachable code?
HasUsageTypos is an identifier not called but a very similar one called instead?
HasWrongCaseIdentifiers whether an identifier does not match the domain language's case style
IsLongCode has the code long sequences of statements?
ShouldInvertIfCondition has the given code an if with an empty then but a non-empty else?
ShouldUseStrictComparators does the given use a non-strict comparator like == in JavaScript?
JavaScript#UsesVarInsteadOfLet ⚠️ JavaScript-specific does the code use var instead of let?

Primitive Operator Inspections

👀 See also operators section in AST Specs.

⚠️ Please notice that the operators inspections are the preferred and most reliable way of checking usage of language primitives. For example, prefer UsesPlus over Uses:+

Inspection Meaning
UsesAbsolute is the numeric abs-like absolute operator used?
UsesAllSatisfy is the collection all-like / every-like operator used?
UsesAnd is the &&-like and operator used?
UsesAnySatisfy is the collection any-like / some-like operator used?
UsesBackwardComposition is the .-like functional backward composition operator used?
UsesBitwiseAnd is the bit-level &-like and operator used?
UsesBitwiseLeftShift is the bit-level left <<-like shift operator used?
UsesBitwiseOr is the bit-level |-like or operator used?
UsesBitwiseRightShift is the bit-level right >>-like shift operator used?
UsesBitwiseXor is the bit-level ^-like xor operator used?
UsesCeil is the numeric ceil-like ceiling operator used?
UsesCollect is the collection map-like operator used?
UsesCount is the collection count-like operator used?
UsesDetect is the collection find-like search operator used?
UsesDetectMax is the collection max-like maximum operator used?
UsesDetectMin is the collection min-like minumum operator used?
UsesDivide is the numeric / operator used?
UsesEqual is the ===-like equal operator used?
UsesFlatten is the collection flatten-like operator used?
UsesFloor is the numeric ceil-like floor operator used?
UsesForwardComposition is the >>-like functional forward composition operator used?
UsesGather is the collection flatmap-like operator used?
UsesGetAt is the collection []-like operator used?
UsesGreatherOrEqualThan is the >= operator used?
UsesGreatherThan is the > operator used?
UsesHash is the hashcode operator used?
UsesInject is the collection reduce-like / fold-like operator used?
UsesLessOrEqualThan is the <= operator used?
UsesLessThan is the < operator used?
UsesMax is the max-like maximum value binary operator used?
UsesMin is the min-like minimum value binary operator used?
UsesMinus is the numeric - operator used?
UsesModulo is the numeric %-like modulo operator used?
UsesMultiply is the numeric * operator used?
UsesNegation is the !-like not operator used?
UsesNotEqual is the !==-like distinct operator used?
UsesNotSame is the not reference-identical operator used?
UsesNotSimilar is the not equal-ignoring-type operator used?
UsesOr is the ||-like or operator used?
UsesOtherwise is the guard's otherwise operator used?
UsesPlus is the numeric + operator used?
UsesPush is the collection insertAtEnd-like operator used?
UsesRound is the numeric round-like round operator used?
UsesSame is the reference-identical operator used?
UsesSelect is the collection filter-like operator used?
UsesSetAt is the collection []=-like operator used?
UsesSimilar is the equal-ignoring-type operator used?
UsesSize is the collection length-like size operator used?

Imperative Inspections

Inspection Meaning
DeclaresEnumeration is a given enumeration declared?
DeclaresProcedure is a given procedure declared?
UsesForEach is the procedural indexed repetition used?
UsesForLoop is a c-style for loop used?
UsesLoop are any of: repeat / for loop / foreach / while used?
UsesSwitch is a switch control structure used?
UsesWhile is a while control structure used?

Code Smells

Inspection Meaning
HasAssignmentCondition is the code evaluating the result of an assignment where a boolean condition is expected?
HasAssignmentReturn is the code returning the result of an assignment?
HasEmptyRepeat has the given code a repeat with empty body?
HasRedundantRepeat has the given code an unnecesary - 1 iteration - repeat statement?

Object Oriented Inspections

Inspection Meaning
DeclaresAttribute is a given attribute declared?
DeclaresClass is a given class declared?
DeclaresInterface is a given interface declared?
DeclaresMethod is a given method declared?
DeclaresObject is a given named object declared?
DeclaresPrimitive Is the given primitive operator overriden?
DeclaresSuperclass is a given class declared as superclass?
Implements is the given interface implemented?
Includes is a given mixins included?
Inherits is a given class declared as superclass? - alias of declaresSuperclass
Instantiates is the given class instantiated?
UsesDynamicPolymorphism are there two or more methods definitions for some sent selector?
UsesDynamicMethodOverload is there a class that defined two methods with different arity but with the same name?
UsesInheritance is any superclass explicitly declared?
UsesMixins is any mixins explicitly included?
UsesObjectComposition is there a class that declares an attributes and sends a message to it?
UsesStaticMethodOverload is there a class that defined two method signatures but with the same name?
UsesStaticPolymorphism is there an interface with at least a method signature that is implemented by two or more classes and used in the code?
UsesTemplateMethod is there a class that sends a message whose corresonding method is not declared?

Code Smells

Inspection Meaning
DoesNilTest is there a test agains a null value, like if x == nil then puts 'is nil'
DoesTypeTest are there any tests against literal strings?
HasTooManyMethods does a given class/object/interface have too many methods?
OverridesEqualOrHashButNotBoth does a given class override equals but not hash? or hash but not equals?
UsesNamedSelfReference does an object reference itself by its name instead of using self?

Functional Inspections

Inspection Meaning
UsesForComprehension is the functional for/do/list comprehension used?
UsesYield is an expression yielded within a comprehension?

Code Smells

Inspection Meaning

Logic Inspections

Inspection Meaning
DeclaresFact is a given logic fact declared?
DeclaresPredicate is a given rule o fact declared?
DeclaresRule is a given logic rule declared?
UsesFindall is the logic findall consult used?
UsesForall is the logic forall consult used?

Code Smells

Inspection Meaning
HasRedundantReduction is a is-operator used to unify individuals that don't require a reduction, like X is 4
UsesCut is the logic ! consult used?
UsesFail is the logic fail consult used?
UsesUnificationOperator is the logic unification operator = used?