Supported inspections
The power of Mulang is grounded on more than 120 different kind of inspections
Generic Inspections
Inspection | Meaning |
Assigns |
the given variable or attribute assigned? |
Calls |
is the given method, function or procedure called? |
Declares |
is the given element declared? |
DeclaresComputation |
does the given computation - method, predicate, function, etc - exist? |
DeclaresComputationWithArity0 |
does the given computation have no arguments? |
DeclaresComputationWithArity1 |
does the given computation have 1 argument? |
DeclaresComputationWithArity2 |
does the given computation have 2 arguments? |
DeclaresComputationWithArity3 |
does the given computation have 3 arguments? |
DeclaresComputationWithArity4 |
does the given computation have 4 arguments? |
DeclaresComputationWithArity5 |
does the given computation have 5 arguments? |
DeclaresEntryPoint |
is there a program entry point, like a main procedure? |
DeclaresFunction |
is a given function declared? |
DeclaresRecursively |
is a given computation declared using recusion? |
DeclaresTypeAlias |
is a given type synonym declared? |
DeclaresTypeSignature |
is a given computation type signature declared? |
DeclaresVariable |
is a given local or global variable declared? |
Delegates |
is a non-empty method, function or procedure declared and called? |
Raises |
is the given exception type raised? |
Rescues |
is the given exception type rescued? |
SubordinatesDeclarationsTo |
are all the declarations in the code called from the given declaration? |
SubordinatesDeclarationsToEntryPoint |
are all the declarations in the code called from an entry point? |
TypesAs |
is the given type used to type a variable? |
TypesParameterAs |
is a parameter typed as a given type? |
TypesReturnAs |
is the given type used to type a return? |
Uses |
is there any reference to the given element? |
UsesArithmetic |
are arithmetic operators used? |
UsesConditional |
UsesExceptionHandling |
is any exception handlded? |
UsesExceptions |
is any exception raised? |
UsesFor |
is any kind of comprehension or indexed repetition used? |
UsesIf |
is an if control structure used? |
UsesLogic |
are boolean operators used? |
UsesMath |
are artithmetic operators used? |
UsesPrint |
is a print statement used? |
UsesType |
is the given typed used in a signature? |
Code Smells
Inspection | Meaning |
DiscardsExceptions |
are exceptions discarded within an empty catch block? |
DoesConsolePrint |
is there any console-print-statement like System.out.println , puts or console.log ? |
HasCodeDuplication |
has the given code simple literal code duplication? |
HasDeclarationTypos |
is an identifier not declared but a very similar one declared instead? |
HasEmptyIfBranches |
has the given code an empty if branch? |
HasEqualIfBranches |
are both branches of an if equal? |
HasLongParameterList |
does a given method/function/predicate take too many parameters? |
HasMisspelledIdentifiers |
an identifier is not a domain language dictionary's word and not part of its jargon |
HasRedundantBooleanComparison |
HasRedundantIf |
can a combination of if s, assignment s and return s be replaced by a boolean expression? |
HasRedundantLocalVariableReturn |
does a callable declare and return a variable just after declaring it? |
HasTooShortIdentifiers |
whether an identifier is too short and not part of domain language's jargon |
HasUnreachableCode |
is there unreachable code? |
HasUsageTypos |
is an identifier not called but a very similar one called instead? |
HasWrongCaseIdentifiers |
whether an identifier does not match the domain language's case style |
IsLongCode |
has the code long sequences of statements? |
ShouldInvertIfCondition |
has the given code an if with an empty then but a non-empty else ? |
ShouldUseStrictComparators |
does the given use a non-strict comparator like == in JavaScript? |
JavaScript#UsesVarInsteadOfLet |
⚠️ JavaScript-specific does the code use var instead of let ? |
Primitive Operator Inspections
👀 See also operators section in AST Specs.
⚠️ Please notice that the operators inspections are the preferred and most reliable way of checking usage of language primitives. For example, prefer
Inspection | Meaning |
UsesAbsolute |
is the numeric abs -like absolute operator used? |
UsesAllSatisfy |
is the collection all -like / every -like operator used? |
UsesAnd |
is the && -like and operator used? |
UsesAnySatisfy |
is the collection any -like / some -like operator used? |
UsesBackwardComposition |
is the . -like functional backward composition operator used? |
UsesBitwiseAnd |
is the bit-level & -like and operator used? |
UsesBitwiseLeftShift |
is the bit-level left << -like shift operator used? |
UsesBitwiseOr |
is the bit-level | -like or operator used? |
UsesBitwiseRightShift |
is the bit-level right >> -like shift operator used? |
UsesBitwiseXor |
is the bit-level ^ -like xor operator used? |
UsesCeil |
is the numeric ceil -like ceiling operator used? |
UsesCollect |
is the collection map -like operator used? |
UsesCount |
is the collection count -like operator used? |
UsesDetect |
is the collection find -like search operator used? |
UsesDetectMax |
is the collection max -like maximum operator used? |
UsesDetectMin |
is the collection min -like minumum operator used? |
UsesDivide |
is the numeric / operator used? |
UsesEqual |
is the === -like equal operator used? |
UsesFlatten |
is the collection flatten -like operator used? |
UsesFloor |
is the numeric ceil -like floor operator used? |
UsesForwardComposition |
is the >> -like functional forward composition operator used? |
UsesGather |
is the collection flatmap -like operator used? |
UsesGetAt |
is the collection [] -like operator used? |
UsesGreatherOrEqualThan |
is the >= operator used? |
UsesGreatherThan |
is the > operator used? |
UsesHash |
is the hashcode operator used? |
UsesInject |
is the collection reduce -like / fold -like operator used? |
UsesLessOrEqualThan |
is the <= operator used? |
UsesLessThan |
is the < operator used? |
UsesMax |
is the max -like maximum value binary operator used? |
UsesMin |
is the min -like minimum value binary operator used? |
UsesMinus |
is the numeric - operator used? |
UsesModulo |
is the numeric %-like modulo operator used? |
UsesMultiply |
is the numeric * operator used? |
UsesNegation |
is the ! -like not operator used? |
UsesNotEqual |
is the !== -like distinct operator used? |
UsesNotSame |
is the not reference-identical operator used? |
UsesNotSimilar |
is the not equal-ignoring-type operator used? |
UsesOr |
is the || -like or operator used? |
UsesOtherwise |
is the guard's otherwise operator used? |
UsesPlus |
is the numeric + operator used? |
UsesPush |
is the collection insertAtEnd -like operator used? |
UsesRound |
is the numeric round -like round operator used? |
UsesSame |
is the reference-identical operator used? |
UsesSelect |
is the collection filter -like operator used? |
UsesSetAt |
is the collection []= -like operator used? |
UsesSimilar |
is the equal-ignoring-type operator used? |
UsesSize |
is the collection length -like size operator used? |
Imperative Inspections
Inspection | Meaning |
DeclaresEnumeration |
is a given enumeration declared? |
DeclaresProcedure |
is a given procedure declared? |
UsesForEach |
is the procedural indexed repetition used? |
UsesForLoop |
is a c-style for loop used? |
UsesLoop |
are any of: repeat / for loop / foreach / while used? |
UsesRepeat |
UsesSwitch |
is a switch control structure used? |
UsesWhile |
is a while control structure used? |
Code Smells
Inspection | Meaning |
HasAssignmentCondition |
is the code evaluating the result of an assignment where a boolean condition is expected? |
HasAssignmentReturn |
is the code returning the result of an assignment? |
HasEmptyRepeat |
has the given code a repeat with empty body? |
HasRedundantRepeat |
has the given code an unnecesary - 1 iteration - repeat statement? |
Object Oriented Inspections
Inspection | Meaning |
DeclaresAttribute |
is a given attribute declared? |
DeclaresClass |
is a given class declared? |
DeclaresInterface |
is a given interface declared? |
DeclaresMethod |
is a given method declared? |
DeclaresObject |
is a given named object declared? |
DeclaresPrimitive |
Is the given primitive operator overriden? |
DeclaresSuperclass |
is a given class declared as superclass? |
Implements |
is the given interface implemented? |
Includes |
is a given mixins included? |
Inherits |
is a given class declared as superclass? - alias of declaresSuperclass |
Instantiates |
is the given class instantiated? |
UsesDynamicPolymorphism |
are there two or more methods definitions for some sent selector? |
UsesDynamicMethodOverload |
is there a class that defined two methods with different arity but with the same name? |
UsesInheritance |
is any superclass explicitly declared? |
UsesMixins |
is any mixins explicitly included? |
UsesObjectComposition |
is there a class that declares an attributes and sends a message to it? |
UsesStaticMethodOverload |
is there a class that defined two method signatures but with the same name? |
UsesStaticPolymorphism |
is there an interface with at least a method signature that is implemented by two or more classes and used in the code? |
UsesTemplateMethod |
is there a class that sends a message whose corresonding method is not declared? |
Code Smells
Inspection | Meaning |
DoesNilTest |
is there a test agains a null value, like if x == nil then puts 'is nil' |
DoesTypeTest |
are there any tests against literal strings? |
HasTooManyMethods |
does a given class/object/interface have too many methods? |
OverridesEqualOrHashButNotBoth |
does a given class override equals but not hash? or hash but not equals? |
ReturnsNil |
UsesNamedSelfReference |
does an object reference itself by its name instead of using self ? |
Functional Inspections
Inspection | Meaning |
UsesAnonymousVariable |
UsesComposition |
UsesForComprehension |
is the functional for/do/list comprehension used? |
UsesGuards |
UsesLambda |
UsesYield |
is an expression yielded within a comprehension? |
Code Smells
Inspection | Meaning |
HasRedundantGuards |
HasRedundantLambda |
HasRedundantParameter |
ShouldUseOtherwise |
Logic Inspections
Inspection | Meaning |
DeclaresFact |
is a given logic fact declared? |
DeclaresPredicate |
is a given rule o fact declared? |
DeclaresRule |
is a given logic rule declared? |
UsesFindall |
is the logic findall consult used? |
UsesForall |
is the logic forall consult used? |
UsesNot |
Code Smells
Inspection | Meaning |
HasRedundantReduction |
is a is-operator used to unify individuals that don't require a reduction, like X is 4 |
UsesCut |
is the logic ! consult used? |
UsesFail |
is the logic fail consult used? |
UsesUnificationOperator |
is the logic unification operator = used? |