Building mulang from source


To generate mulang executable, you have to build the project using stack:

  1. Install stack: wget -qO- | sh
  2. Go to the mulang project directory and setup it: stack setup
  3. Build the project:
    1. If you need a production ready build, run ./
    2. If you just need a quick-to-compile development version, run ./ --fast

Installing and creating an executable

# This will generate a `mulang` executable in the folder `~/.local/bin`.
$ stack install
# Run mulang
$ mulang

Running tests

# This will build the project and run rspec and hspec tests
$ ./

Watching changes

# This will build the project and run rspec and hspec tests, and wait for changes in hspec tests
$ ./ --file-watch

Ruby wrapper

See gem/README for more details.


:warning: You will need Ruby 2.3+.

cd gem
# install ruby
bundle install
# wrap gem and run rspec tests


Run bin/console in the gem directory.

JavaScript library

See ghcjslib/README and for more details.

mulang can also be compiled to JavaScript library using ghcjs and ghcjslib, which allows you to use it from node or the browser.


:warning: you will need node >= 7 installed on your system. If you have nvm, before starting run the following:

sh $ nvm use $(cat ghcjslib/.nvmrc)

# 1. Swap to GHCJS compiler
# 2. Build ghcjslib release. It will be placed on ghcjslib/build/mulang.js
# 3. Run both mocha and hspec tests.
# 4. Run again for swapping back to ghc


  1. in the browser: google-chrome ghcjslib/index.html
  2. in node: run node, and then, within the interpreter, run: let mulang = require('./ghcjslib/build/mulang.js');

Updating docs

These site is build using mkdocs >= 0.17. You can install it using pip:

$ pip install mkdocs

From the project root folder, running ./docs/devinit will setup the docs, ./docs/devstart start the site locally, and mkdocs gh-deploy will deploy the documentation.